Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Sis Draper

I am diligent at work this week. I hope everyone is proud. And I am off to Memphis at daybreak Friday - heading to a wedding. Good folks. Fine town. Deep river. Actually, it is over in farm country, Arkansas. Fields of wheat, chewing tobacco, and home-grown country girls.

As Shawn Camp says about his grandmama the fiddle player:

She stepped right up and sawed one off
And Uncle Cleve he dropped his jaw,
Said "she's the best I ever saw
She must be from Arkansaw"


Doug The Una said...

Very cool photo.

Anonymous said...

A trawler? COuld you please tell me, why the photograph is cut on it's left side? Is there something missing?

Nessa said...

The old photos on your site are incredible.

The Old Mule said...

doug, thank you kind sir; I wish I took it.

mago, these are the mysteries of the long gone. I wonder if it was part of a panorama? Perhaps. Thank you for stopping by.

golden, I really love old grainy photographs. Thank you.

Keshi said...

WOW hv a blast at the wedding then...with home-grown country girls n all :)


Minka said...

Now Mule, be careful...remember last week´s headache and a read-up on the effect of alcohol on your performance skills, and you should be fine. I mean you shouldn´t drink and drive, how would you get those lovely home-grown country girls home before midnight?
Why? What did you think I was implying?

puppytoes said...

"heading for a wedding"? heh heh. methinks you're a poet and don't know it. or maybe you do and wish you were otherwise. ; )

lovelyLOVELY photo (as always). hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend! oh, and do take our good Penguin's advice -- pretty sure it's as sage as the days in Arkansas are long! xox neva

Anonymous said...

Oh a wedding! Does that mean there'll be more drunken debauchery as you pull a Minka?

Doug The Una said...

There was no text here when I arrived the first time. Maybe because you were working so diligently.

Go for something sepia toned.

The Old Mule said...

keshi, thanks, m'am.

minka, Can we have some kind of signal where you bail me out if I get in over my head?

neva, I laughed so hard at that! And long days make for short nights, right? Hope you have a fine weekend too.

jh, if I do end up pulling a Minka, I am sure my brother will post it on youtube.

doug, yeah I second guessed my diligence.

Ariel the Thief said...

chewing tobacco and home-grown country girls, Arkansas wedding sounds like men's life to me. :)

I love the photos.

The Old Mule said...

miss ariel, I am not the macho sort, but that doesn't keep me from a round of horseshoes!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.