Friday, January 11, 2008


I am off to the the mountains with a bit of Hemingway and a fire-starter log. Cold. Wet. Way out of the city, thank lord.

Does anyone remember that story "a clean, well lighted place?" I think that is the title. I don't know if there is a more perfect short story.

We should do away with these long tomes. Enough is enough. Much can be said in a page or two. And there is never enough to be done.


Ariel the Thief said...

There was a Hungarian writer, he wasn't allowed to publish for decades, so he was writing for himself and his desk. He found what is really important can be said in a few words. He started to write very short novels and called them one minute novels. He didn't believe he could ever publish again, without editors and readers he just wrote those novels. The whole grotesque world of this part of Europe is there in them.

Have a great time!

tsduff said...

Was your weekend in the mountains away from the city lovely, or do you have the luxury of staying longer? Best wishes, and what a fitting poem.

Doug The Una said...

I don't know that story.

I think I want "Enough is enough. Much can be said in a page or two. And there is never enough to be done." inscribed on my grave.