Friday, June 22, 2007


tsduff said...

*sigh* oooo, pretty. I take it as a sunrise - before the insanity of the waking world hits. Beautiful.

Minka said...

I cna't tell if it is sunset or sunrise, it doesn't matter is a good time to pause and breathe either way!

Ariel the Thief said...

very pretty! I bet it smells good, too.

Anonymous said...

Oooh...loverly. I don't get up that early to see images like that.

Anonymous said...

ps: love the Galway Kinnel poem on your other site. Sweet and sexy. My favourite combo!

The Old Mule said...

ts, I am too lazy for a sunrise. But for some reason, this was a very quiet sunset, so it kind of felt early. I was in the middle of Colorado with my marriage collapsing and my gas tank near empty. Things like this make us look outside of ourselves, don't they?

minka, I like to catch my breath outside whenever I can.

ariel, interesting comment - I almost always remember things by smell. I am no scientist, but I think smell is the most evocative sense.

jh, Galway Kinnell is one fine poet. He has that deft touch that seems to be lost in much current verse. And I am a cynical romantic. I think he might be one too.

Doug The Una said...

I knew it was sunset, somehow. Fits your mood lately.

I think "my marriage collapsing and my gas tank near empty" is a great sentence, my mind supplied "and freedom just over the rise."

puppytoes said...

nothing cynical in that comment, Doug.

love the picture -- i've seen many a sunrise AND sunset that looked much the same. sites like that never get old. sorry your marriage did. tho' i'm guessin' the Dawg's right, and it worked out for the best, as these things have a way of doing. xox neva

Ariel the Thief said...

hope your tank is full again, wherever you are going to go now, lazy poet. :)

tsduff said...

Mule - been there once - done that too. Thank you for the promise of better things with sunrise and sunset.