Friday, June 8, 2007

Memphis to Forest City, Arkansas


Ariel the Thief said...

he is looking at the camera and I swear he is smiling!

Nessa said...

Don't fall, go boom.

Anonymous said...

What one does for a living ...

Doug The Una said...

"Maybe if we don't look up he'll just leave."

The Old Mule said...

ariel, he has hung his hat on concentration, so I hope you does not wave at us.

golden, fall. boom. welcome to the circus.

mago, what others think you are owed for.

doug, from the Santa Clarita New Yorker desk?

Ariel the Thief said...

Old Mule, do you really think that matters after your giving how to whistle with two fingers in the mouth lessons to the mass?

Doug, I did not look up!!

The Old Mule said...

ariel, a man like that makes his living with waves and whistles. So maybe you are right.

Minka said...

oh I would love to try that. with a trampoline underneath of course :)

puppytoes said...

boxers... or briefs? ; ) neva