Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Above the Yellowstone Caldera


Ariel the Thief said...

and it was just passing by? oh my... was it alone? did you touch it?

The Old Mule said...

Yes, it was passing by on its own. I wanted to touch the fellow, but my guide book warned against it.

tsduff said...

Umm, buffalo steaks on the hoof!

Doug The Una said...

Don't listen to the guide book, Mule. A bull's a bull and you had trees handy. What a great photo, though and what a lucky crossing. When was this trip?

The Old Mule said...

tsduff, that, my friend, is tough meat.

doug, October last. All this "guide book" talk has me sounding like a city boy. I did this insane trip that started in Denver, went south to Utah into Canyonlands, then up through Salt Lake, further toward Idaho to see a buddy, sat in hot springs, then off toward Oregon and Washington State, and in to the Olympic National Forest where I made friends with a native american truck driver, before crossing through Missoula to try a friends burrito place and landing in Yellowstone. The rental car agency had a heart attack when I brought the car back with 4,000 miles in 12 days. No one has ever claimed me to be sensible.

Ariel the Thief said...

good thing they haven't seen your pictures. :)

The Old Mule said...

True! I may never rent again.

Minka said...

you travel with a guide book?

Wow, that´s liek an animal, huge and roaming free in nature. i wish there were more non-domesticated animals in Iceland. I actually think we don´t even have ants...it´s sad!

puppytoes said...

oh give me a home.... ; ) xox neva

The Old Mule said...

minka, I will be glad to fedex some fire ants. That will get a person naked-er quicker than anything I can think of.

neva, a home is under hoof. :)

Jamie Dawn said...

Touch it????
Are you KIDDING me???
Much too scary for me.
I would be happy to admire that grand creature from a distance.
One just needs to watch the movie Grizzly Man to know that a safe distance is always prudent when dealing with large, wild beasts.
Very cool photo though.

Have a nice holiday weekend.