Friday, May 4, 2007

Max in Charleston


Minka said...

beautiful dog. Wouldn´t mind burring my hands under his fur.
You still posting, so I suppose no bears yet?!

Doug The Una said...

Kind of a philosophical expression on his face.

Ariel the Thief said...

hi, Max!

tsduff said...

That is one content pup.

Doug The Una said...

Safe trip, Mule.

Ariel the Thief said...

safe trip, bears!

The Old Mule said...

Made it to San Fran! Off to the woods manana. You guys behave.

- John

Doug The Una said...

Tell it to the bears, Mule.

Funny, Ariel.

Ariel the Thief said...

don't worry, if the bears happen to eat you, we write your biography!

tsduff said...

You are bound to be transformed by your adventure. Couldn't ask for better weather either. Ciao!

Jamie Dawn said...

I hope Max had some grits and sweet tea. Or at least a treat of some kind. He looks pretty happy.

The Old Mule said...

doug, you should have seen me.

ariel, make sure I sound tough, okay?

tsduff, it really was perfect. Thanks for the kind wishes!

jd, he is so well fed. I fried him an egg when I got there.